Faith Baptist Church

Constitution and By Laws

608 Neeley Avenue

Shelbyville, Tennessee



For the preservation and security of the principles of faith; for the governing of this body in an orderly manner; for the security of religious freedom; for the promulgation of the Gospel in a missionary thrust; that we might ever keep our hope in the Pre-Tribulation, Pre-Millennial return of Christ both to Rapture His Saints and to reign; this Independent body of baptized believers do declare and establish this Constitution.

Article I               Name, purpose. And Incorporation.

Section 1. The Name of the Church shall be “FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH” of Shelbyville, Tenn.

Section 2. The Purpose of this Church shall be: to establish a Christian fellowship of like-minded baptized believers; to endeavor to promote a program, to the end, that the Saints might grow in the faith and the knowledge of Christ, our Lord. To Carry out the Great Commission of our Lord and Savior as set forthin Matthew 28:19-20; Mark 16:15; Acts 1:8.


The government of this Church shall be completely vested in the body of believers who compose its membership, 10% of the resident roll shall constitute a quorum.


Section 1: The membership of this body shall consist of: Those coming from the other Baptist Churches of like faith and order (provided baptism has been by immersion, upon a profession of faith in Christ as Lord and Savior). These must be fully informed of the purpose of this body; they must adhere to the entire statements of Doctrine as set forth in this Constitution and must accept the policy of this body as stated in the Constitution.

Those coming by baptism must have had a personal relationship with Christ, in His power to save. They must be informed as to the contents of this Constitution and must accept its content.

All members in good standing shall be treated equal and have full rights and privileges.

Exclusion shall be either on departure from the faith; a departure from this policy of this body as set forth in the Constitution or misconduct unbecoming a Christian. The procedure as set forth by Christ in Matthew 18:15-22. Shall be followed.

Section II            Duties

Members are expected to be FAITHFUL IN ALL DUTIES OF THE CHURCH which are essential to the Christian life, to attend the services of the Church, unless providentially hindered. To give regularly for its support and cause and to share in its organized work..


Section 1. The primary officer of the “Faith Baptist Church” shall be: Pastor, Deacon’s, Trustees, Clerk, and Treasurer. Their duties as follows:


The Pastor shall be chosen and called by the Church when a vacancy occurs. A pulpit committee shall be chosen by or elected by the authority of the church, this committee shall bring to the church only one man at a time. The election shall be bya standing vote ¾ of the quorum shall be necessary for choice; at least one announcement, during a regular service shall be made relative to the call.

The Pastor shall preside over all meetings of the Church except as provided in the Constitution. He shall be an Ex-officio member of all committees and organizations of the Church. The call shall be indefinite.

In the absence of the Pastor the Chairman of the Deacon’s shall preside or in the absence of both; the Clerk shall call to order the Church and an acting moderator shall be elected.


There shall be 5 deacons for the first 100 members and 1 for every 50 additional members of the fraction thereof, but at no time shall this number exceed 10. The qualifications shall be as stated in Acts 6:3 and I Timothy 3:8-12. The duties: Along with the Pastor the Deacon’s shall examine and instruct all new members. (This shall be executed in love and discrete for the preservation and protection of this body as set forth in the Constitution). They are to assist the Pastor in performing Pastorial duties and are to be the servants to the people. Deacon’s are to care for church members and persons in the community. Shall be active in witnessing and teaching. In case the Pastor is absent the Chairman of the Deacon’s shall preside. Chairman of the Deacon’s shall be elected along with the other officers and teachers of the Church.


The number of Trustees shall be 3 or as many as required by the law of the State of Tennessee, being elected annualy.


Shall be elected annually and shall keep a suitable record of all actions of the Church except otherwise provided.


Shall be elected annually. The duties shall be to receive, preserve and dispense of all money as authorized by this body.


All organizational leaders shall be in accord with the purpose of this Church. Shall have accepted this Constitution and shall be of high moral and spiritual stature. They shall be elected annually. The Nominating Committee shall submit a slate of Officers and Teachers to the Church.


The church shall be financed by the giving of tithes and offerings, and shall in no wise resort to worldly-practices for support.


  1. This Church shall endeavor to the very best of our ability to promote a missionary program.
  2. All Missionaries, schools or Agencies receiving support through this body, shall have submitted to our Mission’s Committee the following:
    1. A signed statement (Doctrinal) and must be sound doctrinally as prescribed in the Constitution.
    2. A statement on the type of work being done, aims and methods.
    3. The needs of the field as well as the needs of the Missionary.
  3. This Church shall endeavor to carry out the Great Commission as stated by Christ, our Lord in Matthew 28: 19-20.

Article VII           ORDINANCES

There shall be two:

  1. Baptism-by immersion of believers ONLY Acts 8:37
  2. The Lord’s Supper – shall be observed the first Sunday night of each quarter. This is a memorial and shall be administered with the elements of bread and wine. To be administered to BELIEVER’S ONLY. The supper shall be administered as received of the Lord. I Corinthians 11:23-28


This body shall be governed by the Parliamentary rules as set forth in Robert’s Rules of Order.


  1. We believe in the infallible, verbal inspiration of the Word-that; it is literally true. II Timothy 3:16-17.
  2. The triune God in Matthew 28:199.
  3. We believe in the Genesis account of Creation without additions and alterations and in an instantaneous creative act of God as stated in the book of Genesis.
  4. We believe in the Virgin Birth of Jesus Christ. Matthew 1:20.
  5. We believe in the deity of Jesus Christ. John 10:30 and 1:29.
  6. We believe in the Vicarious sacrifice of Jesus Christ, Hebrews 2:9.
  7. We believe that Jesus both died, was buried, and rose again bodily and ascended on high there reigning as our High Priest before God. I Corinthians 15:1-4, Acts 1:10 and 11.
  8. We believe in the pre-tribulation rapture of the Saints. I Thessalonians 4:17; I Thessalonians 1:10. The Pre-Millenial return of Christ coming as Kinga and Lord, coming with His saints, establishing 1000 years earthly reign. Revelations 19:11-15, Revelations 20:4.
  9. We believe in a bodily resurrection of Saints at the Rapture. I Corinthians 15:20-57.
  10. We believe the Bible Doctrine of eternal Punishment of the impenitent and unbelieving. Matthew 25:46 and Revelation 20: 12-15.
  11. The local church is an autonomous independent body commissioned by Christ to carry out the Great Commission as stated in Matthew 28:19 and 20.
  12. The Church ordinances shall be baptism-only believers shall be immersed. Lord’s supper is a memorial and shall be observed by the baptized believers and administered by the local church in the local church. I Corinthians 11:23-27.
  13. All mankind are by nature sinners and are totally depraved. Romans 5:12.
  14. That salvation is wholly by grace through faith in Christ, Ephesians 2:8 and that all believers are preserved eternally, I Peter 1:5 and John 10:27-30.
  15. Salvation includes:

Justification of believers. Romans 3:24-25.

Regeneration – John 3:7

Repentence – on the part of man.

Faith in the finished work of Christ on Calvary.

Sanctification – begun at conversion is a process where by a person; in Christ is set apart by the Spirit.


Necessary committees shall be appointed by the Moderator or nominated by the Nominating Committee as needed, upon the approval of the body.


These by-laws may be amended by a vote of 2/3 of the quorum, upon due notice to the Church.

In no case shall this body deviate from it’s doctrinal statement as stated in the Word of God.